Greendoc: From Source to Sea

Greendoc: From Source to Sea

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English.

As part of the Trashlesstival we show a documentary called From Source to Sea about Merijn Tinga, the plastic soup surfer. He wants to stop the increasing plastic pollution of the marine environment. His campaigns are aimed at preventing plastic litter. The surfboards he used for this expedition are made from plastic litter and are a statement by themselves.

Merijn Tinga is a trained biologist, has a career as a visual artist and is now a full-time plastic activist.

Also join various other activities at the Trashlesstival. The entire day is focused on dealing with the trash in the neighborhood of Buiksloterham: cleaning the streets and the canals, following inspirational and educational workshops about trash, and turning the trash into new items or creating nice postal packages to send back to the owners of the trash.

7 July 2018


Metabolic Lab

starts: 19:30

ends: 21:00