Happiness Exploration Journey at International Day of Happiness

Happiness Exploration Journey at International Day of Happiness

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English.

Tickets here: https://www.ticketkantoor.nl/shop/happinessday 

Have you ever wondered about what really makes you happy? Perhaps your happiness and joy could use a boost?
Curious to learn more about happiness from evidence-based yet at the same time practical angle?
Why do we sometimes miss out to have more engagement, presence and enjoyment in our life… and how to avoid that trap?
How can we, through small and simple changes, build in more happiness and joy into our days?

For International Day of Happiness, 20th of March, at Happiness Academy we decided to create an exciting, interactive, colourful and engaging journey through 12 steps to happiness.

In this 2h engaging and dynamic workshop we will explore diverse topics and angles of happiness and positive psychology in an engaging and experiential way.

You will leave with better understanding of what are true sources of your happiness and with many practical ideas, tips and tricks on how to infuse a bit more of happiness into your everyday life and work.

Learning goals:
– you will explore what are scientifically proven sources of happiness by trying out small, practical and fun activities, and sharing ideas with others
– you will develop deeper understanding about which elements impact your happiness, both through learning evidence-based practices from positive psychology and by gaining new interesting experiences and insights
– you will explore what are 12 pillars of happiness and how to strengthen them in your own life
– you will leave equipped with practical methods, tools and techniques for raising own level of happiness
– you will have ton of fun going through this journey 🙂

Join us for this exciting event!

Date and time: 20th of March 2019 @ 19h – 21h
Location: The Gallery @ De Ceuvel
Trainers: Mirna Smidt and Milda Latakaite from Happiness Academy
Fee to join: 10,5 eu
Please make sure to book your ticket on time 😉

p.s. the journey will be based on the science of positive psychology, although brought in an active and engaging way 😉

p.p.s. curious to learn more about Happiness Academy? check it out at www.happiness-academy.eu

Join us for this fun and exciting journey, full of learning and discoveries!

You can book your tickets here: https://www.ticketkantoor.nl/shop/happinessday 

20 March 2019

10,5 eu

The Gallery

starts: 19:00

ends: 21:00