Spiritual Ecology #4 – Art and Activism – FULL

Spiritual Ecology #4 – Art and Activism – FULL

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English.

What role can art and activism play in supporting a radical shift in our society?

Change happens in many ways and can take many forms: legal measures, education and empowerment, building alternative systems, innovation in business. I think both art and activism are important forces and they can be even more powerful when brought together. They invite us to imagine a different reality, to engage in a new conversation.

“We are talking only to ourselves. We are not talking to the rivers, we are not listening to the wind and stars. We have broken the great conversation. By breaking that conversation we have shattered the universe. All the disasters that are happening now are a consequence of that spiritual “autism”.” – Thomas Berry, The Dream of the Earth 

In this fourth edition of the Spiritual Ecology Community of Practice evening we’ll listen to stories of a few people in the field – names to be announced after summer.

If you are looking for ways in which you might be able to contribute to this growing global movements, feel very welcome to join. You do not need to consider yourself an artist nor an activist 🙂 – feel welcome to join this evening if this topic interests you. Who knows what insights you’ll walk away with!

This evening is hosted and lightly facilitated by Maaike Boumans, with contributions of people in working in this field. The evening is donation based (suggested donations 5 – 30 euro). Maximum of 20 places.

Date: Thursday October 24  
Time: 19:30 – 21:30. Doors open at 19:00. Kindly allow yourself some time to arrive. Tea and cookies will be ready 🙂
Cost: The evening is donation based (suggested donations 5 – 30 euro).
Maximum 20 participants.
Location: Metabolic Lab @ de Ceuvel
With a thank you to de Ceuvel for offering their space.

Register through: This Link


What is Spiritual Ecology?

For me, Spiritual Ecology is about living in a peaceful, kind relationship with yourself, others, and the Earth. As such, it can mean a radical shift from the status quo. A shift that requires great bravery.

We have developed a highly dysfunctional society that is based on continuous economic growth at the expense of the Earth and its many life forms, including human lives. This system is more oppressive for some than for others, and ultimately harms everyone. From how I have been introduced in this work, Spiritual Ecology brings together environmental injustice with social injustice. In the words of Martin Luther King:

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”

To shift to a regenerative society, I think we need to

  • work with ourselves and our own awareness
  • build relationships with others (perhaps even outside of ‘your bubble’) and
  • reconnect with Earth and find ways to be in service to life


*** This Community of Practice ***

It is my aim to create a space that welcomes all identities, recognises that everyone is on spectrums of privilege and oppression and to hold space for people to express what it’s like to have these experiences. I would like it to be a space where we can hold difficult conversations, allow all emotions to be present, and support our own and each others’ learning process. You are very welcome to join.

Possible themes to explore in the next months: relationship self and nature, race, power, privilege and oppression, self care, vulnerability and courage, nature connection exercises, warriorship, resilience and personal practices.

Looking forward seeing you there,

founder Bright Future Lab

24 October 2019


Metabolic Lab

starts: 19:30

ends: 21:00