Storytelling Journey Workshop – Day 1

Storytelling Journey Workshop – Day 1

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English.

**Back due to popular demand**

Storytelling is one of the most powerful tools to move people into action. During our workshop, we will train you to use your personal story as an inspirational tool to guide our world towards a more inclusive future, be it through entrepreneurship, activism or just for personal development.

Are you interested in exploring your own personal story with people from around the world? Do you want to learn more about the powers of storytelling?

Then join our interactive 2 day immersive storytelling workshop!

Be quick, as spots are limited.

10 spots can be reserved for €149 for both days, which includes all materials, lunch, tea/coffee and snacks. Instantly secure and pay for your spot by filling in this form:
4 spots reserved for those who need a scholarship, with a particular focus on, but not limited to, people with a refugee background. Apply here: You will be notified by 30th March, whether or not you have been successful.

7 April 2018

149,- inc lunch


starts: 09:00

ends: 18:00