Sustainability in Action – Workshop day 2: Leadership

Sustainability in Action – Workshop day 2: Leadership

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in English.

Sustainability trainers Maaike Boumans and Atanas Genkov are back by popular demand with not one – but two – sustainability and leadership workshops in February!

WORKSHOP 1: Sustainability (April 9, 2017)
What should we do with sustainability? How, as social entrepreneurs, can we impact the challenges we aim to solve? How can we incorporate sustainable leadership both inside and out, into our core business and our everyday life?

WORKSHOP 2: Leadership (April 10, 2017)
How do you do what you love, contribute to society, and make it your living? Learn how to navigate the complexity behind our daily actions while better aligning them with our inner selves. Find your own contribution in shifting our society towards a sustainable future.

It is intended specifically for social startups, but open to anyone with curiosity, to explore the topic of sustainability and leadership more deeply.

Participants can choose to combine and participate in both workshops or pick the workshop day they are most interested in, e.g. the sustainability or leadership aspect.


10 April 2017

Various - see registration link

Metabolic Lab

starts: 09:00

ends: 16:30