We’re living in a world that faces tremendous challenges. Climate crisis, humanitarian crises, deforestation, and mass loss of species, to name a few. Many of us see this, and decide we want to help solve the problems we’re facing. Sustainable entrepreneurship, conscious capitalism, new economic models, the circular economy, the SDG’s, global climate agreements: there are many ways to contribute to a ‘better world’. But, do we really understand our challenges? Do we see the complexity of them? And to what extent are we ourselves part of the problem? This, and more, is what we would like to dive into with you.
You are therefore cordially invited to attend a special event with Nora Bateson on November 9 in Amsterdam. We gather with a select group of entrepreneurs and businesses to explore the implications of the above mentioned questions on how to use our businesses in alignment with an ecology of complex living systems.
Nora is founder of the International Bateson Institute in Stockholm and daughter of anthropologist and eco-philosopher Gregory Bateson, who among others carried out groundbreaking work in the field of (eco)systems thinking. Nora produced the film ‘Ecology of Mind’ – which will be shown in preparation for the meeting during the Greendoc Film Festival on de Ceuvel on October 28 (see festival for more info).
The Warm Data Lab starts at 09.30 and lasts until about 15.30, lunch is included.
There’s a limited number of places available. The price of a ticket is € 50 (incl VAT) and includes coffee, tea and lunch. The event is made possible by Triodos Bank, the Erasmus University Rotterdam and De Ceuvel.
*Warm Data Lab?
Developed by Nora Bateson, this is an exercise for use with groups who are interested in strengthening and further practicing their collective ability to perceive, discuss and research complex issues. By shifting perspectives, the Warm Data Lab process increases ability to respond to difficult or “wicked” issues. Because so many of the challenges that we face now are complex, we need approaches to meeting that complexity. Although there is a desire to reframe these complex issues in simple terms that might lend themselves to easy solutions, this usually leads to the dangers of unintended consequences of reductionism… and further problems.
But, thinking in complexity requires the ability to perceive across multiple perspectives and contexts. This is not a muscle that has been trained into us in school or in the work world. It is a skill acutely needed in this era to meet our personal, professional and collective need to respond to crisis, and to improve our lives.
The Warm Data lab is a living kaleidoscope of conversation in which information and formulation of cross-contextual knowing is generated. The conversational process is designed to seamlessly engage multiple theoretical principals in a practical format. The process relies on using two concepts: Transcontextual Interaction, and Symmathesy.
Transcontextual Interaction is the recognition that complex systems do not exist in single contexts but rather are formed between multiple contexts that overlap in living communication.
Tickets € 50,- inc. VAT and ticketing service costs: Via Eventbrite