WMTC: MakeSense presents WATT IF

WMTC: MakeSense presents WATT IF

How about an evening that could have you leave thinking “WTF! this is awesome!” What if we told you that this could happen searching for solutions to fight climate change? Come watch and debate around WATT IF, a MakeSense documentary about the energy transition, which tells the story of 6 entrepreneurs who are taking action, providing local, human-centered and concrete solutions. This event will be hosted in De Ceuvel (#Buiksloterham), one of the initiatives presented in the documentary. You’ll discover the innovative way that they use to create and exchange energy within the living lab. Following the screening of the documentary we invite you to reflect and discuss with us and our invited speakers. We will have a Q&A and go deeper into the presented energy solutions and other emerging projects. N.B. All the speakers will be communicated soon.  

20 June 2019


Metabolic Lab

starts: 19:30

ends: 22:00