Repair Café

Repair Café

Bring your broken items and volunteers from Repair Café Oud Noord will help you learn how to repair them and prevent unnecessary waste! Between 18:00-20:00 we’re in the Metabolic Lab, next to the Ceuvel cafe.

We have four stations: electronics, bicycles, textiles, and other items like furniture and toys. Tools and other materials will be available to use and we will be ready to think along with you on the more challenging repairs.

Donations for materials used are very much appreciated, but not required.
No reservation is needed: just come on in! If space at the tables is full, you may need to wait, but we will have tea/coffee and cookies waiting for you in turn.
Feel free to reach out if you would like to volunteer at an upcoming event – our repair cafe is open once per month on the first Wednesday of the month.
Normally Repair Café Oud Noord is hosted at the Antoniushuis, but that’s closed for 3 months due to construction.

For more information check out:

6 September 2023


Metabolic Lab | De Ceuvel

starts: 18:00

ends: 20:00