Ginger Ale Workshop with chef Nico

Ginger Ale Workshop with chef Nico

✯ Learn to make your own natural Ginger Ale by using Fermentation! ✯

The ginger beer is a sparkling beverage, mostly produced in Jamaica and made of fresh fermented ginger juice. Discover The Buch Brothers version of ginger ale, how to make it & what you can do with it, also introducing a cocktail.

Fermentation is a preservation process that protects natural properties of the ingredients, contrary to other heating processes that degrade properties (such as pasteurization). Your fermented beverage will last longer, keeping all its natural properties. Ginger Ale is generally made with fresh yeast (usually used for baking bread), but we will do it slightly different by using apple sugar and water.

In this short workshop you will learn how to make your own version of this drink. How can we flavor it? How can we use it? And how can we produce this healthy and relaxing drink ourself?
In the end you will take a bottle of Ginger Ale home and also a natural mix to make more. If you take care of this mix you can keep it for many and many years.

Price: € 20,- (including Ginger Ale kit)
Capacity: 20 persons.

Please buy a ticket through:

This workshop is hosted by our French chef Nicolas Adam of Café de Ceuvel and The Buch Brothers
The Buch Brothers is a Kombucha microbrewery based in Amsterdam-Noord. To learn more about the The Buch Brothers, Kombucha and fermentation brewing, see:


5 March 2017

€ 20,- inc. materials

De Ceuvel

starts: 13:00

ends: 15:00