Piss Soap Workshop

Piss Soap Workshop

Throughout the entire workshop, the basics of ecodeviance will be presented and exemplified throughout the process of saponification. We will review the possibility for local and tangible regenerative design, circular ecology and how to tackle the climate crisis while providing cleaning products.

The workshop will present the full process of saponification and the steps required to transform domestic waste into usable soap. We will mix the various ingredients and create a circular process informed by waste management. You will have the opportunity to create intimate and personal outcome from the own (bio) wastes.

At the end of the workshop, everybody will come back home with 750g of piss soap to cure at home. After the 3 months needed to its complete maturation, the soap will be ready to be used for washing.

Register: piss.soaps@gmail.com
Price: Donation based

Sponsored by AFK

19 November 2023


Metabolic Lab | De Ceuvel

starts: 14:00

ends: 17:00