Zero Waste Week @ de Ceuvel

Zero Waste Week @ de Ceuvel

13 Oktober from 12:00 – 23:00
Café de Ceuvel |  Metabolic Lab | Kabaalmakers boat | Ceuvel plein

Prices differ per workshop

See all Zero Waste Week workshops here and register!


About Zero Waste Week

‘Zero Waste Nederland’ organizes this year the ‘Zero Waste Week’ for the inhabitants of Amsterdam, on behalf of the municipality. This will take place from October 13 to 19, 2024. The overarching theme this year is ‘Amsterdam Waste Free’. More than 80 activities will take place, spread across 8 city districts.

The themes that will take center stage this week are: Clothing and personal care products, Repairing/upcycling stuff, packaging free, the sharing economy, litter, food and waste streams.

Location de Ceuvel
We are also participating and we are extremely happy about it! ‘Zero Waste Week’ brings a number of activities to the Ceuvel such as a clothing swap, a repair cafe, a visual mending workshop, a movie night and a performance. Café de Ceuvel’s existing vegan menu is already completely focused on the most sustainable ingredients possible, and a band will be playing. In short, a super fun day!


Program in a nutshell

10:00 – 17:30 | Sheep-Friendly Felting Workshop by Anke Wijnja
13:00 – 15:00 | Stop Motion workshop by the Kabaalmakers
14:00 – 15:30 | Denim upcycling workshop by Etta Studio
14:00 – 15:00 | Guided tour at the Ceuvel
12:00 – 17:00 | Clothing Swap
13:00 – 17:00 | Knitwear repair workshop by Bronwen Jones
16:00 – 17:00 | Guided tour at the Ceuvel
19:30 – 20:45 | Greendocs: ‘What stays behind’ + panel discussion with Loes Janssen and Elisha Pals
21:30 – 22:45 | Ceuvel Sessions: Tailor Birds




Stop Motion Workshop by the Kabaalmakers
13:00 – 15:00 // Kabaalmakersboot
Age: 7+ years old

Make your own zero waste stop-motion film with Kabaalmakers!
We quickly think of something as waste, but what if you used that waste to make something new? Bring some waste with you (a drinking carton, caps, old paper etc), at the Ceuvel we can also make a tour to look for some stuff. Then you will learn how to make a movie with that!

Sign up for this workshop by sending an email to:

More info:


Clothing Swap – door The Swap Club 
12:00 – 17:00 | Metabolic Lab

As part of Zero Waste Week Amsterdam, The Swap Club Amsterdam invites you to a fun Clothing Exchange event at the Ceuvel! Immerse yourself in a sustainable fashion experience while connecting with the community in one of Amsterdam’s most innovative cultural spaces.

Sign up for this workshop here


The Swap Club
Knitwear repair workshop – door Bronwen Jones
12:00 – 17:00 | Café de Ceuvel

Bronwen Jones is an artist and textile repairer. She is from London and currently lives in Amsterdam. In her practice she is interested in the relationship between bodies and textiles – the stories they contain and the traces they leave in each other, and in the transmission of craft textile knowledge over time. In recent years, she has focused on restoring clothing for/with the public as a community-based practice that initiates the sharing of stories and conversations about care, intimacy, value and ownership. Her work is reflected in these interactions and in the resulting textile pieces, publications and workshops.

Register for this workshop here


Visual Mending in action

Guided tours at the Ceuvel
Start : 14:00 en om 16:00

At the Ceuvel we organize private tours for interested individuals, schools, companies and others. Whether you are an architect, technical engineer, student or generally interested in sustainability: there is someone walking around the Ceuvel who can tell our story in a way that is relevant to your background. De Ceuvel is a self-built incubator where sustainability and the circular economy are central. It is an urban planning experiment in urban renewal, a creative and cultural incubator, a circular test lab, and a place to relax and be inspired. There is a smart-grid of solar panels where power can be exchanged between them using blockchain technology, an aquaponics vegetable greenhouse, 16 boats converted into creative workspaces on dry land, and a cozy café-restaurant that is invariably named “the most sustainable restaurant in Europe. Meanwhile, the heavily polluted soil that everything is built on is being cleaned through a special mix of purifying plants that absorb the heavy metals and oils from the old shipyard.

Sign up for this workshop here


Guided tours at the Ceuvel

Denim Upcycling workshop
14:00 – 15:30 | Metabolic Lab

Join upcycling designer Etta of Etta Studio for a creative, hands-on workshop. You’ll upcycle denim pants pockets into a handy travel pouch. Or turn them into a decorative keychain or scrunchie. It doesn’t get any hipper!

You also have the option of making a decorative keychain from denim scraps to complement your purse. If you have your own jeans that you would like to use, please bring them. If not, everything will be taken care of.

Beginner-friendly, mostly hand sewing, with the option of using the machine or having Etta help.

Register for the workshop here

Upcycled denim


Workshop Sheep Friendly Felting at De Ceuvel
10:00 – 17:30 | Oliebibliotheek & het Plein op De Ceuvel
Kosten: €85,- p.p.
Aantal deelnemers: minimaal 4, maximaal 8

Did you know that every year more than 1.5 million kilos of Dutch sheared wool is thrown away? And yet it is an incredibly beautiful material: naturally insulating, water-repellent, soft and very easy to work with…

One of the oldest ways to make something out of it is to felt it. If you do that with a completely shorn fleece, you can even felt it into a sheepskin, without having to kill a sheep to do it.
You will learn from ancient craft how a shorn, long-haired fleece is cleaned, worked, reshaped and then felted into a sturdy sheepskin.

Wonderful to do – wool is quite a material to work with.
Besides, the result is great for the winter on the couch, on the floor by your feet or in your camping chair during colder evenings….
Everyone works on their own small coat (size Ikea coat) that they take home at the end.

The coats come from a Drenthe farm with brown sheep and were literally rescued from the dustbin. Anke works with respect for nature and as sustainable as possible in the process.

Note: it is a physically quite intensive workshop – felting is hard work

Register for this workshop here

Felting craft
Green Docs // ‘Wat achter blijft’ documentaire + panelgesprek met Loes Janssen (regie) en Elisah Pals (Zero Waste Nederland)
19:30 – 21:00 | Metabolic Lab (language: dutch)

Shortly after the death of their mother, three sisters are faced with the task of emptying their parental home. As they clear out, they are once again confronted with their mother’s death and the inevitable parting of items that keep memories alive.

Reserveer hier je plek 


Shot uit 'Wat achterblijft' door Loes Janssen



Ceuvel Sessions // Tailor Birds
21:30 – 22:00 | Café de Ceuvel

‘Dreamy folklorian beauty” Live looping, foley art, magic of vegetal music.

Electric violin at its core, a moment to stop and breathe, this is music for the soul and food for the mind. Sophie Kingston has spent the past few years writing, recording and performing, throughout Australia and Europe. The music is as tangible as the story behind it.

Meer info:


13 October 2024

Op inschrijving

De Ceuvel

starts: 12:00

ends: 23:00