Air quality has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Scientific research has shown that the air’s quality has a huge influence on all living organisms. In many places in the Netherlands, they already measure the air quality and, in particular, the level of pollution. However, there is much uncertainty about this pollution and also about the interpretation of the measurements. These calculations differ considerably depending on the interest group.
To provide a more insightful picture of the measurements, SOOPS started an air measurement project. Cooperation was sought with the GGD and RIVM because these organisations already have a large number of measurement points. In the first set-up, the situation in Amsterdam-Noord was examined. After selecting a suitable supplier and calibrating the measuring stations, a number of them were installed.
The results of the measurements are displayed on the website Here you can also see what data are being measured. Apart from temperature, wind and wind direction, humidity, the following gases and pollutants are measured: CO2, SO2, CO, NO2, O3, NO, NH3 and particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10.