Metabolic Lab

Metabolic Lab is a unique and inspiring venue for events.

Metabolic Lab is located in the central square of De Ceuvel. This location serves as the think tank where sustainability techniques and innovations at De Ceuvel are developed, but it’s also the perfect place for organizing your meetings, brainstorming sessions, training, and team-building days.

Metabolic Lab is located in the central square of De Ceuvel. This location serves as the think tank where sustainability techniques and innovations at De Ceuvel are developed, but it’s also the perfect place for organizing your meetings, brainstorming sessions, training, and team-building days.



¤ Wi-Fi
¤ Projector and screen
¤ Flip chart
¤ Pantry with fridge
¤ Tables and chairs in flexible arrangements
¤ Hygienic soap (70% alcohol) by Marie Stella Maris
¤ Sustainable and delicious plant-based catering available via Café de Ceuvel.



1 half-day (4 hours): €375 (excl. VAT)
2 half-days (8 hours): €500 (excl. VAT)
3 half-days (12 hours): €800 (excl. VAT)
Each additional hour: €50 (excl. VAT)


Interested in booking the Metabolic Lab?

Please fill in the contact form on the 'Venue Rental' booking page.
Here you can also find information about our other meeting room, the Crossboat.



Integrate educational programs on a variety of implemented sustainability into your program at De Ceuvel.

In addition to public events, we also offer private workshops and programs. Click here for more information about our workshops and lectures and click here for our guided tours on De Ceuvel and the circular district of Buiksloterham. 

Metabolic has developed a set of masterclasses on some of the core drivers of the sustainable economy, allowing anyone to quickly develop a deep understanding of the principles and how to apply them. From cities and food to economies and communications, these half-day classes give in-depth and actionable knowledge. For more information about the Metabolic Masterclasses click here. 

Some of our clients include: ABN-AMROAmsterdam Metropolitan Solutions (AMS)Amsterdam University of Applied SciencesUNESCO-IHEEngineers without BordersMinistry of Infrastructure and the EnvironmentYouth Food Movement, and Climate-KIC.


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About Metabolic & The Metabolic Lab:
'living laboratory' at Clean Tech Playground De Ceuvel

Metabolic itself is a consulting and venture building company that uses systems thinking to tackle major sustainability challenges. Headquartered in Amsterdam but working internationally, it provides strategies and tools, crunches data, creates new technologies, builds pilots and scales up innovations. Metabolic Lab was built and designed by Metabolic, but is run by De Ceuvel, though the consultants of Metabolic use the space almost daily for meetings or work sessions when the space is not in use for events.

The facility showcases how clean technology, food production, and nutrient recovery systems can be integrated into urban environments. At Metabolic Lab, people of all ages and backgrounds, from children to scientists, can learn about applied sustainability and how they can make an impact in their own communities and organizations.

Sitting on top of Metabolic Lab, the greenhouse grows food for the neighbouring Café de Ceuvel. The greenhouse houses a customized DIY aquaponic system and utilizes organic waste flows generated on-site. The site also collects organic waste from Metabolic Lab and the café in a vermicomposting unit to produce compost and fish food. The feces of the fish serve as food for the plants, which in turn serve as food for humans. This way the aquaponic system creates a closed-loop food cycle.


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