Plant Power – creating herbal remedies 11/07

Plant Power – creating herbal remedies 11/07

Rediscover the power of plants, drawn from the wisdom of our ancestors combined with the knowledge of today. Did you know that the primal herbs our ancestors used are still all around us? We often call them ‘weeds’ and have forgotten how much value they hold, but once they were at the basis of our medicine, our medicine chest and were part of our most significant rituals.

workshop datES:

> Friday 6th June (1st session) > Friday July 11th (2nd session)



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I invite you to meet these plants again. To learn to recognise them, not only in the workshop but also around the corner at your place. I will show you how to harvest them with respect and then process them into natural remedies that support you (for ailments you would normally go to a drugstore for). Salves, syrups, tinctures, sprays, beneficial teas – we make the remedies in conjunction with the season and from what grows on our trail.   N.B. This workshop consists of 2 afternoons.   The first afternoon we go out into urban nature. I teach you to recognise the plants of yesteryear – they are still there, around the corner, in the green or park. We harvest them and process them on the Ceuvel into an oil macerate or tincture – both an important basis for herbal remedies. Some herbs we bundle for drying.   —Then everything has to steep (and dry)… nature does everything in its time—   On the second afternoon, we meet again and process the decoctions and dried herbs into various self-help salves, sprays, creams or teas. Depending on the type of herbs picked, but also on your own preference for a particular product.   After these two half-day sessions, you will go home with: – Various homemade remedies, – Recognition cards of herbs we worked with, with usage. – Basic recipe & experience making tinctures and oils. – Recipes of the various remedies we made.
Anke Wijnja (MSc.) is a forager, herbalist, mindfulness trainer and speaker for the living. She connects people to themselves and to nature with her company The Nature Connection. She is a Ceuveler from the very beginning, and is the manager of the Purifying Park here, among other things. Anke has enormous knowledge of nature and everything that grows and blooms, and conveys this with great enthusiasm. Besides Craftworkshops, she runs wildflower expeditions and teaches outdoor mindfulness.

11 July 2025


De Ceuvel

starts: 13:00

ends: 17:00