Youth for Climate – Making Reels & Vlogs

Youth for Climate – making reels & vlogs with @Kabaalmakers
Special programme for high schools and youth organizations

Ceuvel + youths + film = Kabaalmakers
Kabaalmakersis situated at the Ceuvel. Kabaalmakers means ‘Noise makers’ and we make non-fiction content for youth audiences, together with the youth. The purpose of the workshops is to tell stories that matter to them. During the workshops we teach young people ways they can use their voice through non-fiction, while they collaborate with their fellow students. The combination of the location, the activity and the subject about which they make videocontent is unique. By creating a story at the Ceuvel, they are stimulated to reflect on the themes of sustainable living and how they relate to it.

What are we going to do

We create ‘scenes’ in groups that together form one video about living sustainably. Every group will work with a different topic. We do a short tour at the Ceuvel and ask the students to look for things that fit their topic. The students make a script and after that they shoot the video scene with their group. The activity involves making shots of the surroundings, presenting in front of the camera and conducting interviews. All the scenes together form one video that will be sent to them afterwards and we place it online on our Kabaalmakers channels.

As a result we share interesting content about what matters to our youth and they will know better how they can contribute to a more sustainable world.

This programme is aimed at high schools and other youth organizations



Duration | 2 hours
Price | € 325 incl VAT
Capacity | Maximum of 30 per group